If you regularly service your boiler and repair it promptly, you can extend its lifespan to 15-20 years. When your boiler becomes a liability, the repair costs start adding up, making it necessary to replace it. Here are signs that it’s time to invest in a new boiler in Decatur, IL.

It Takes Longer to Heat Up

An efficient boiler should heat your home within seconds. If your home still feels cold even after several minutes of switching it on, it may be time to invest in a new boiler. If you hire a technician several times to repair your boiler and still take longer than usual to heat up, it’s wise to buy a new boiler.

Boiler Isn’t Efficient

Many modern boilers offer more than 90% energy efficiency, so they don’t waste energy. If your boiler is more than 15 years old and you’ve noticed a rise in heating costs, you probably need a more energy-efficient boiler. Investing in a more energy-efficient boiler could save a significant amount on your heating bills.

Frequent Breakdowns

If your boiler seems to break down weekly or it keeps getting worse even after repairs, you may need to start shopping for a new boiler. The money you use on frequent repairs, replacement parts, and quick fixes could be enough to buy a reliable new boiler. Talk to a heating repair technician to inspect your boiler if it frequently breaks down and advise if you need a new unit.

Your Boiler Is Leaking

A leaking boiler often indicates that the unit is nearing the end of its lifespan. A leak in your boiler signifies a broken seal or valve and it can be expensive to repair flooding from the unit. It’s advisable to call a technician to replace your boiler if it’s leaking.

Talk to the pros if you notice these boilers to inspect the unit. One of our professional technicians can advise you on the best replacement boiler for your home. At Tica, Inc. Heating and Cooling, we have maintenance plans that will help extend your boiler’s lifespan.

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