Exposure to indoor air pollution is just as harmful to your health as exposure to outdoor pollution, so you should pay attention to the quality of the air in your Argenta, IL, home. There are four sources of indoor air pollution that you might not realize are affecting your home’s air.

1. Smoke From Cigarettes, Cigars, and Pipes

Smoke from tobacco releases harmful chemicals into the air. These include nicotine, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.

Secondhand smoke lingers in the air and settles on surfaces, continuing to release toxins over time. This poses a threat to your health and the health of people and pets in your home.

2. Appliances That Burn Fuel

Gas stoves, fireplaces and gas furnaces can cause damage to your indoor air. If not properly vented, these appliances can release carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter.

These gases aren’t good for your health and can cause respiratory issues. The Mayo Clinic notes that prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide can cause serious tissue damage or even be fatal. If you suspect your air contains dangerous gases, one of our HVAC technicians can check your indoor air quality.

3. Household Cleaning Products, Pesticides, and Paints

Many household cleaning products and pesticides contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which evaporate into the air and create a health hazard. It’s also possible for VOCs to come from fresh paint, new furniture, and carpets.

Exposure to VOCs can cause headaches, nausea, and long-term health effects. It’s also possible to experience eye and respiratory irritation from exposure to VOCs in the home.

4. Pet Dander

The tiny flakes of skin shed by animals are pet dander. It can trigger allergies and asthma symptoms in sensitive individuals. The more pets you have in the home, the more likely it is to affect the quality of your air.

If you have any of these air pollution sources in your home, they can impact your health and comfort. Contact us at Tica, Inc. Heating and Cooling today to learn more about improving the air quality in your home.

Image provided by iStock

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